"Upon returning home from a strenuous day at work, Adam discovers an unexpected visitor navigating through his house. It turns out that this individual hails from an alternate realm and has come to expel a ghost, intending to add it to their collection before departing. However, an unforeseen twist occurs when Adam accidentally tumbles through a rift in the fabric of the universe, unwittingly joining forces with "The Thing."


Studio Silent is embarking on its inaugural venture into the realm of shows/web series plus the studio's first animated projects. This endeavour will delve into the mysterious realm of ghost hunting, presenting episodic adventures that tackle parodies of horror monsters.

Jordan-Kane Lewis and newcomer Brandon Lewis are at the helm of the project. While Jordan-Kane takes on the role of writer-director, Brandon spearheads the animation efforts. The animation itself is crafted using the technique of rotoscoping, resulting in a visually intriguing yet fluid aesthetic.

Each episode is aimed to be 5 to 10 minutes long with at least 3 episodes in season 1 and the trailer plus more announcements to come at the beginning of 2024.

Unlike other projects "Bittersweet Whispers" will have a dedicated YouTube channel where each episode will be available to watch.

Harry Barron comes back to collaborate with Jordan once again to create an OST which has a feeling of nostalgia.

The show will premiere on YouTube and be available on Instagram with clips appearing on different platforms.

YouTube Channel:

Bittersweet Whispers Extra's

The First Clip/Teaser For The Web Series

This is the intro for the show and also before it was decided to take on a 90s aesthetic VHS look.

Bittersweet Whispers Show: Ep 1 Clip

Alex in the clips is left alone after The Thing goes to find his ring however danger lurks around every corner.

Behind the scenes photo of "Bittersweet Whispers"